Guys who assume this to be a fact must be bludy joking! If you aren’t able to gel with the women, maybe there’s something wrong with you. Or maybe that’s why ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ is such a biggie. Women aren’t hard to figure. They just play hard to get, they love making their guy jealous. They’re possessive, and they swear by the word, Vendetta! Get past that, and you’re talking smooth sailing.
Get real, you like women because they’re so mysterious and complicated (at least to you). If men and women were just the same, then they’d be a lot more homo-people, don’t you think? So let’s admit the fact. Women and men do get confused with each other somewhere along the lines of ‘once in a while’. So overlook it and worry about more pressing matters, okay? Like new cosmetics, clothes, designer wear, and night outs. Hmm?
Answer: Cause you like it like that!
Girls aren’t really difficult to understand. They want the same things from you, as you want from them. So stop worrying and whining about the mysterious women of Venus and just go get a life.
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